2 Special Summer Discounts for You from Speranza San Clemente Clinic

2 Special Summer Discounts for You from Speranza San Clemente Clinic Happy Summer to all of you! Below are 2 Special Discounts from Dr. Patty and Coach/Counselor Dominic at Speranza San Clemente Clinic to brighten your Summer! From now through July 31, HydroNAD+ cream is offered at a 45% discount. This is a new NAD+ cream recently developed by one of Dr. Patty’s physician colleagues. HydroNAD+ cream contains pure NAD+, the essential molecule that exists in every cell...

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“Health Span”: A New Paradigm

“Health Span”: A New Paradigm He said: I did a recent Google search on “a new paradigm needed for health care” that turned up many articles on how the less-than-optimal delivery of current managed health care could benefit from a new paradigm. I want to share with you my story of how I have embraced a paradigm shift regarding how I view my own health care and make decisions around it. For all my working career, I ‘ve participated in my Employer’s health care plan, selecting an option of a monthly...

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COVID-19 Takeaway > Build Your Host On Rock (He Said)

I was reviewing COVID-19 data for the state of CA through 4/25/20 (see table below). As I was analyzing the data, I realized several important takeaways that we can learn during this time concerning what really matters. California COVID-19 Deaths Through April 25, 2020   Age   Cases   Deaths % Deaths to Cases 0-17 511 0 0 18-49 13,304 111 .008% 50-64 7,441 235 3.16% 65+ 6,233 1196 19.2% Based...

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Why I am Hopeful—From Our Door to Yours

“All we are saying, is give Peace a Chance”  John Lennon/Yoko Ono Whenever we put out a Speranza San Clemente blog, we write about a subject that is near and dear to our hearts, often a subject that we are learning about ourselves, so here goes. Years ago, I used to sing with others the words to the song by Lennon and Ono, “All we are saying, is give Peace a Chance.” It sounded good and made me feel temporarily better, but the song in itself didn’t really produce a lasting peaceful change in me. Over...

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What, Me Worry?

No matter what age, color, ethnicity, or sex we are, we all seem to have something to worry about. As for me, I have done my fair share of worrying about things that I felt certain would or could happen, but never did. This was followed by being thankful that what consumed my head, never was. A while back, I learned that worrying happens when I invest too much in future-based thoughts. Just like regrets develop when I allow my predominant thinking to be centered in the past. When I think in the...

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Have You Ever Really, Really Wanted Something?

Have you ever really, really wanted something? Like most of us, I have. The most recent thing I wanted focused on moving forward with our “ChangeMasters Clinic.” In fact, it was just last November that I published a Blog “Let’s Catch Up” that detailed our plans for our new ChangeMasters Clinic. However, 3 weeks later over the Thanksgiving holiday, we received a registered letter from an attorney for a company that felt our Clinic name was infringing upon their trademark, and asked us to change...

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A Real-Life “Field of Dreams”

The movie “Field of Dreams” came out in 1989, the same year that First United Methodist Church in Huntsville TX, launched their new building campaign. Terry D. Bilhartz (my late husband) had been selected to lead the church to bring this awe-inspiring dream to fruition. Our family of 4 went to see the movie and saw it as a prophetic call to us to chair this daunting task with fervor and gusto. In sports’ language: “Hustle.”

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Let’s Catch Up!

The last time you heard from me was last February when I encouraged you to catch up with me on a Go Wellness Radio Podcast where I was interviewed by Wellness Guru Regan Archibald LAC, FMP, CSSAc : “Eliminate Chronic Illness with Stem Cell Therapy,” on Go Wellness Radio in Podcasts:

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